Thursday, October 15, 2009


The Webmaster (thanks, Bob!) at our Labyrinth Cafe site has been urging me to start some sort of blog to add a personal touch to our monthly concert series offerings - I thought it might be easier to begin it here, and link to it from there...

Even though Bob is extremely prompt with his updates, this way I can upload posts whenever I choose... and people can comment (if they so choose) - this will be a good place to share other items of musical interest as well... :-)

If you are a folk and acoustic music fan who lives in (or is visiting) the South Florida area, please check out our schedule in the right sidebar and pay us a visit - we are very proud of what we do, and take great delight in offering up songs and community!

1 comment:

Labyrinth Cafe said...

Testing, testing! - let's hope this works (fingers crossed... :-)